Minga Tattoo Handpoke

A tradition to bring art under the skin

Handpoke tattooing is a meditative and timeless art form that requires patience and creates a special decelerating atmosphere

New website coming soon!

Stay tuned and follow me on Instagram for news and dates: @mingatattoo

What is handpoke?

  • Handpoke, also known as stick and poke, is one of the oldest tattoo techniques in existence and was the only possible way of tattooing before the invention of the tattoo machine.

How does it work?

  • The gentle and soft technique creates tattoos from a collection of dots that are close together. It creates patterns, shapes and lines.

Get in touch with Fenja!

Interview with Minga Tattoo

Team Alex Berlin interviewed the artist and illustrator Fenja at the Festival for Friends in Dahnsdorf and shows how she actually got into tattooing and what this art form means to her.

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